
Culture of Giving

Our culture
of giving

Our Commitments are What Make Us


InnerCHANGE Companions value the contributions of every member, whether in the form of time, talent or treasure. People join Companions because they want to participate in something larger than themselves. Regular financial partnership can be part of this participation.

InnerCHANGE Companions give in order to further the Companions network and broaden the pool of available resources. We also give to extend the mission of InnerCHANGE itself.

Our aim is to build InnerCHANGE Companions to be a community of generous givers; where sharing resources is a reflection of our culture rather than an expectation or obligation.

Commitment to Companions includes an opportunity to give consistently - ideally on a monthly basis - to the ongoing work and reach of Companions and InnerCHANGE.

Giving has
Multiple Forms


InnerCHANGE Companions are generous with their time. They are available to relationships with people facing poverty. They make space in their schedules for prayer and encouraging others on a similar journey. They equip the wider community by being free and generous with their available time.

Likewise, Companions are generous with their talents. They are able to spot opportunities to teach, train or share from their own experiences and expertise. They are willing to collaborate and work best in groups and teams.

Finally, InnerCHANGE Companions are generous with their treasure whether in small or large amounts. They contribute regularly to the costs of Companions and beyond that to the wider work of InnerCHANGE.

The Act of Giving is more Important than the Amount


Giving to Companions is regular so that we remember what we’re giving to and why. But it isn’t membership dues, where you give and then get something in return. Companions is about participation in a community that has a culture of giving; so the act itself is more important than the amount.

We recognize that Companions will join from all walks of life, with various levels of available resources. This is why there is no set “amount” for Companions to contribute. Rather, we encourage the act of giving, in and of itself. Any amount is welcome; joyful, exuberant participation in a culture of giving is the invitation.

Giving is Part of Formation


InnerCHANGE Companions is a place of formation and discipleship - where people commit to a similar journey together with the hopes of growing towards where they’re going. Regular giving becomes one way that our commitments make us rather than the other way around: we slowly learn to shift our priorities towards a shared life of surrender and sacrifice.

But “surrender and sacrifice” don’t happen quickly and easily. So we set out in that direction together with support and encouragement from others. Discipleship is a journey, and through our shared giving we go about that journey at the pace of others who join in around us.

Generous Giving Flows out of a Connected Life


InnerCHANGE Companions join because they’re already connected in some way. They know InnerCHANGE members, are friends with people facing poverty, or care about the sustainability of similar work wherever it is. We expect that our members are likely already giving to their local church community or to people and causes they’re excited about. Companions are connectors, so their generosity likely flows through multiple streams.

Our hope is that Companions remain generous towards their existing financial partnerships, but find creative ways to extend that to give to Companions itself. This may mean cutting other costs, simplifying one’s lifestyle, or reordering giving priorities. The outcome, however, should be one of generosity and joy rather than scarcity and obligation.